Call for two trainers for: 3rd European Rural Youth Summit 2025 (ERYS 3.0)

25 marca 2025

The goal of the summit is to empower rural youth across Europe by promoting well-being, fostering cross-cultural understanding, and facilitating dialogue between young people and European decision-makers.


  • Expand the European Youth Village model to a broader European context, building a strong framework for sustainable rural youth leadership and community-driven development while ensuring local relevance in diverse rural settings.
  • Equip rural youth with the knowledge, skills, and platforms to actively participate in policy-making processes, advocating for their specific needs and well-being at both national and European levels.
  • Create opportunities for direct dialogue and collaboration between rural youth and European decision-makers, fostering mutual understanding and building long-term partnerships that contribute to more youth-centric policies.
  • Generate a comprehensive policy recommendation, ensuring it reflects the voices of young people and the realities of rural life across Europe.

Required Qualifications:

  • Strong background in youth work, rural development, or community engagement.
  • Ability to lead engaging sessions, guide discussions, and create interactive learning environments.
  • Experience in stakeholder mapping, invitation preparation, and liaising with decision-makers.
  • Skilled in drafting agendas, designing event concepts, and ensuring smooth execution.
  • Effective communication skills, including participant engagement, providing updates, and handling inquiries.
  • Competence in developing learning resources, promotional materials, and visibility content.
  • Capacity to contribute to policy recommendations and compile participants’ insights with a research team.
  • Experience in managing facilitators, coordinating activities, and ensuring alignment with the event’s objectives.
  • In-depth knowledge of Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps programmes and familiarity with youth-related policy-making processes.
  • Ability to work in an international and multicultural environment.
  • Fluency in spoken and written English, as it is the working language of the summit.

Date: 26.-30. August 2025 | Slovakia

More information can be found here.

Registration is possible until April 7, 2025, you can find the application form here.

If necessary, Boris Kolman should be contacted:

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